God had graciously given me an Everyday Oils kit through a friend and I was excited to see what these Young Living Oils could do. After trying a couple of different oils, we found that Frankincense got rid of those bumps (with no pain!) within a week. Yay for a more natural way to take care of our family's health! We have other stories to share about how essential oils have helped our family, but maybe that will come later...
"And let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind on the earth. And it was so."-Genesis 1:11
In this short sentence God in His infinite wisdom, created plants with all their healing properties and complexities. And all of this happened even before Adam and Eve were formed!
Young Living therapuetic grade oils are made by distillation of the plant. They are such a pure quality of oil, that the effects are quite amazing! (unlike a store bought oil, which most likely is not in the most pure form)
God has been working in my life and He is leading me to help my neighbors and friends as I share these essential oils.
My prayer is that it will ultimately lead to people praising God for how He can heal and take care of them, and that I will be a vessel through which Jesus shows His love for everyone.
Join me on this adventure and let's see what God will do!