Froooooooom the other side .........Mr. Thieves!!! A spicy, strong and aaaaaaaaalll natural essential oil.
Who will win this battle round?! Let's watch and see...."
Okay, so I maybe have been watching (a couple too many) episodes of The Voice with my family. OR.. a week and a half of fussing, sick children has driven this momma a bit loopy!
But either way, I want to let you know how my real life experiment worked out. So there I was, my throat felt like it was on fire. And I mean....ON FIRE! I was sitting on the couch and it must have shown on my face... or by the gallon of cold water I was chugging. My concerned hubby asked," Why don't you just take a cough drop?"
Me: I haaate how it tastes! (said in my best, if not a bit whiney, voice :)
Concerned Hubby: "It will make your throat feel better."
Me: "oooooooookay." *sigh*
So I toughed it out and took a menthol cough drop (Yuck! Hate that flavor... anybody else?) And I'll give props to my concerned hubby, the fire in my throat was somewhat quenched for 30 minutes or so.
As my throat reignited with what seemed like another fire- I had an epiphany!
Now might be a good time to try out my own 'Soothing Throat Spray' recipe from:
So within a couple of minutes I had gathered the materials and followed this super simple recipe:
Soothing Throat Spray
- 1 clean glass spray bottle
-8 drops Young Living Thieves essential oil
I put the Thieves oil in the spray bottle first, then filled the rest of the bottle with water. Put on the cap, give it a shake, and was ready to put out the fire in my throat! I opened up my mouth, said, "Aaaaah" and sprayed a couple of well directed sprays to the back of my throat and waaaaaaaaalaaa! Fire quenched!
This time, I had relief for one and half hours! I sprayed it again after that and I had sweet relief for the rest of the night!
So who is the winner of this battle round?? I'd say we don't even need to vote on it! (Mr.) Thieves oil is the clear, all natural, and budget friendly winner!
Please remember that I am not trying to treat, diagnose, or prescribe anything. I'm sharing because I am excited to tell you of my own experiences with Young Living essential oils and how they have worked for our family!