Tuesday, April 1, 2014

30 Days of Spring Cleaning - Naturally!

Spring Cleaning (1)

CleaningNaturally??  For 30 days?  Why not!  Who is with me?!

Only recently have I organized my Pinterest boards, in hopes that they would be useful to others.  As a result, I have noticed more people pinning from my boards and more specifically, following the Cleaning Naturally with Essential Oils board.  So, due to popular interest and my own lackluster cleaning routine, I thought April would be a great time to get myself into gear!  I am taking the challenge to use only natural cleaning products during my Spring Cleaning this month!

My goal? To share with you how I will switch out regular cleaning products (with chemicals) to a simpler, more natural way of cleaning our home. My hope is that this will be a positive change in caring for the overall health of my family.

Tools You Might Find Helpful for the 30 Day Challenge:

  1. A desire to learn and possibly even ENJOY cleaning!  (I'm praying for this myself!:)

  2. Non-Toxic Cleaning Recipes : this beautiful ebook is my go-to manual for the next 30 days.  Most of the recipes I try, will come from this treasure trove!  It's a great reference where you can find inexpensive, all natural cleaning recipes.  For a limited time, it is even 25% offnon toxic cleaning book

  3. Essential Oils:  I love Young Living therapeutic grade oils because of the high quality and a little goes a long way!  I am so excited to start adding them to our cleaning routine and see what health benefits come from this.  You can visit my Young Living website to order, if you would like to purchase some for the next 30 days!

If you have a tight budget right now, feel free to follow along and Pin things for the future!

What to Look Forward to for the Month of April:

  1. Advice from an older woman:  I hope to interview 1 or 2 older and much wiser women than myself to get their take on spring cleaning and how they use this time to bless their family by taking care of the home.

  2. A guest post (or 2): One of my good friends uses essential oils AND Norwex.  She is planning to share her favorite cleaning products with you- I can't wait!

  3. Reviews on homemade cleaning recipes- I will be honest with you and let you know if it worked or bombed!

  4. Things I already do:  There are a few things I already do to clean more naturally, so I will share those as I go.

  5. Tips and Tricks- I hope to share little tips and tricks with you that will make your spring cleaning a breeze!

Please come back and visit often throughout April and share your thoughts on spring cleaning naturally.  My hope is that these posts will bless you and your family and inspire you to take charge of your family's health in the realm of cleaning products.  Blessings!

Day #2:  From Grimy to Shiny- DIY Kitchen Scouring Powder Review

Day #6:  Cleaning Advice from an Older and Much Wiser Woman

Day #10:  A Few Ways To Start Your Spring Cleaning – Naturally

Day #13:  Day #13: Natural, Inexpensive, DIY Laundry Detergent and Giveaway!!


Please remember I am not a doctor or professional and the FDA has not approved these items for  the prevention or treatment purposes It's important that you do your own research and consult your doctor with any health issues you might have.  This post contains affiliate links- thank you for supporting our family and ministry by using them!


  1. Looks like a great series!!! Can't wait to read!

  2. […] Come on over and visit my 30 Days of Spring Cleaning – Naturally Challenge. […]

  3. […] you know we are about halfway through our month of 30 Days of Spring Cleaning- Naturally??  Keep checking back for some more fun, informative […]
